High School Tour Request

Want to experience Colleges of the Fenway? Please read below and review all considerations before submitting a tour request. Click here to inquire and get acquainted with our campus!

Fall Tours 

The tour is exclusively for juniors and seniors interested in touring potential schools. We have a set schedule for these tours- they run from 9:00 – 12:30 PM, spending 30-35 minutes at each of the five schools. A minimum of 4 weeks is required to plan, and we can accommodate a maximum of 30 people per tour (including chaperones). We ask that you have 1 chaperone for every 10 students attending the tour.

The three-hour tour will show you a quick glimpse of the offerings of the Colleges of the Fenway campuses. Due to time constraints, each campus will focus on one to two aspects of their campus life (i.e., dining hall, dorm, library, sports, etc.). We hope you enjoy this mini tour of our thriving campuses!

Since this involves a lot of coordination between our office and five Admissions’ offices, we ask that you only send one or two preferred dates that have been approved on your end. Given the extent of coordination required, we ask that approval for dates are secured before inquiring about a tour.

Spring/Summer Tours

Coordinating a tour involves a lot of coordination between high school organizers and our institutions’ offices; therefore, we understand visiting during the fall (peak tour season) may not be optimal (nor optional in some cases), but we want to inform you of the campus tours’ limitations as we enter the finals week and the post-semester session during the spring and summer.

During a post-semester tour, you are likely to experience:

  • A very quiet campus. Most students are completing finals or have concluded their semester and have moved off-campus.
  • Closures to usual tour locations for the purpose of study hours or post-semester remodeling/construction work. This includes but is not limited to the institutions’ lab spaces.
  • Limited staffing as our institutions gear up for professional conferences and new student orientations.

Tour Requirements

Kindly provide information on preferred dates, lunch needs, group count, and mode of transportation information for committee review and approval when submitting your request for a tour.

Prior to the tour, you will be required to fill and complete our Tour Information Form and Student Profile Form for future enrollment efforts. Each form is due 10 days before the scheduled tour.

  • Tour Information Form – This form will require the main contact to provide general information about your school (schools name, location, phone, email).
  • Student Profile Form – This form will request the names, pronouns, graduation year, e-mail addresses, intended majors, and allergy/accommodation needs for each visiting student.


Given the campus may experience limited elevator access in certain areas on campus, we ask that you provide feedback on student accessibility needs as applicable to your group.

Use of Earbuds and/or Headphones 

Student use of mobile phones, earbuds and/or headphones are not allowed during the tour. The tour takes place on very busy streets with car traffic, and students can experience very noisy and busy campus activity. The use of devices often slows down the group and/or increases the risk of hazardous accidents.

Snack and Lunch

The tour is at least 3.5 hours long and we ask that you instruct your students to pack a lite snack and water bottle.

Please note that lunch is not included as part of the tour. We do recommend visitors bring a bagged lunch or (if possible) purchase a boxed lunch (for the road) from Sodexo (Wentworth’s catering house). We ask that you reach out to Tanya Delisle at tanya.delisle@sodexo.com to coordinate and determine possibilities for a boxed or sit-down lunch. In either case, we ask that you inform us of your decision so we can plan logistics accordingly.  


Please let us know how you are planning to transport your group to the Colleges of the Fenway, so we can inform Public Safety.

If you plan to travel by bus, please know you’ll have to park at Emmanuel College’s parking lot located at 400 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115.

Weather Conditions

Please be sure that students are aware this is a walking tour. Please wear comfortable shoes for extensive walking. Please instruct the students to check the weather forecast and conditions for area code 02115, and to dress accordingly.

Thank you for your continued interest in Colleges of the Fenway. Click here to inquire.

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