Management Training: Working Happier

Management Training: Working Happier


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Event Type

Working Happier
A virtual wellness and personal productivity series
Presented by: Adam Sutter & Cally Ritter
Sponsored by: COF Human Resources Committee

Register Here:

Session : 1/12/2021. 10-11:30am 
All About YOU! : From Surviving to Thriving Today
There is no doubt, the world has changed drastically in 2020. When asked, 7 out of 10 people say that the last eight months have been the most challenging time of their career. Whether working from home, hybrid, or on-site, our work and personal lives have been altered, tested, and strained more than ever before. As a result, true self-care is no longer a nice-to-have, it has become an essential daily effort we just can’t go without. This engaging and uplifting virtual session will give participants a chance to connect with colleagues on COF campuses, to be able to share and explore evidence-based resiliency strategies as well as fresh perspectives on gaining and retaining personal well-being, helping you be your whole-self best once again!

Session 2: 1/19/2021. 10-11:30am
All About Your PURPOSE : Rediscovering Your WHY!
This interactive, virtual session, a follow-on to the From Surviving to Thriving Today earlier session, explores how best to leverage our learnings over the past several months to propel us into the next semester and beyond. Many of us are re-examining why we do the work we do, as well as how and where we do it, taking a good look at what’s really important to us in the midst of this challenging, transformational time. Join your colleagues and friends from across the COF to re-connect with the real purpose and meaning of your work, learning tips and strategies for how best to move from a fixed and frustrated mindset to a more empowered and positive growth mindset, regardless of reduced resources, re-orgs and the intense pace of change on all of the COF campuses.

Session 3: 1/26/2021. 10-11:30am
All About US: Managing While Human (limited to COF managers and supervisors)
Without a doubt, this year has revolutionized the way we work, and as a result, how we lead and manage people and processes on our campuses. In this special session limited exclusively to COF supervisors and managers, we’ll explore communication strategies for humanizing the strained workplace: We’ll review how to most effectively communicate with one another when are socially-distanced, masked, as well as being Zoomed-out and tapped out. We’ll discuss best practices for to set expectations, deliver feedback, care for your team, and better offer compassion and clarity in the new hybrid world of work. This session will zero in on how we connect, commune and communicate with others as people leaders, increasing empathy and energy for ourselves and others.

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