Fenway Card

On July 1, 2023, Colleges of the Fenway Member Institutions, including Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MCA), Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) University, and Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT), will no longer support the Fenway Card or Fenway Cash program- unless otherwise noted for specific campus services.

MCA, MCPHS, and WIT have extensively analyzed usage of the program and determined that their campus communities rely more heavily on debit, credit, and smartphone payment applications rather than on use of the Fenway Card/ Fenway Cash to make on and off campus purchases. Usage of the program has decreased each year with the evolution of payment technologies and changes to consumer expectations and behavior. Campus administrators from these institutions reached the decision to end the program with input from staff, faculty, and students. If you would like to review your account balance or request a refund, please visit: https://www.fenwaycard.com/

Please stay tuned and check your institutional email and campus webpages for more information on this change and impacts to students, faculty, and staff from MCA, MCP, and WIT. Emmanuel College (EC) and Simmons University (SU) will maintain the Fenway Card/ Fenway Cash program for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

There are no changes and no further action is required from students, faculty and staff from EC and SU. Account holders from EC and SU can continue to use their Fenway Cash for on campus and off campus purchases. 

Click here to go to The Fenway Card website and access FAQs here.

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