Intramural Sports

The mission of the COF intramural sports program is to provide a variety of opportunities that contribute to and promote physical and emotional wellness for students, staff and faculty across the Colleges of the Fenway. Programs are open and accessible to all who have an interest and enjoy engaging in recreational activities. We are dedicated to making intramural sports an integral part of campus life. Our goal is to continuously create and provide a competitive, safe and enjoyable atmosphere that encourages civility, teamwork and leadership development, as well as, a lifelong pattern of positive recreational activity regardless of physical ability.

View COF Intramural Offerings Here:

Want to advocate for a new Intramural Offering? Email us at

Fall Sports

Intramural SportRegistration PeriodSeasonGame TimesLocation
Flag Football: Open-Competitive and Open-RecreationalSep. 4th – Sep. 25thOct. 1nd – Nov. 5thSundays 4pm-10pmEC – Clemente Field
Outdoor Soccer: Open-Competitive and Co-RecreationalSep. 4th – Sep. 25th Oct. 1nd – Nov. 12th.Sundays 2pm-10pmWIT Sweeney Field
Indoor Volleyball: Open-Recreational and Co-RecreationalSep. 4th – Sep. 25th Oct 15rd. – Nov. 29thSundays 4pm-10pmEmmanuel JYC Gymnasium
Pickleball: Open-RecreationalTBDTBDTBDWIT Tansey Gymnasium

spring sports

Intramural SportRegistration PeriodSeasonGame TimesLocation
5v5 Basketball: Open-Competitive and Open-RecreationalJan. 21 – Feb. 2ndFeb.2nd – March 10thSundays 4pm-10pmEmmanuel JYC Gymnasium
Indoor Volleyball: Open-Competitive and Women’sJan. 21-Jan. 31stFeb. 3rd-March 10thSaturdays 2-5pmSimmons Holmes Sport Center
2v2 Pickleball: Open-RecreationalJan. 21- Feb. 1stFeb. 1st-March 22ndMon + Wed 9pm-11pmSimmons Holmes Sport Center
5v5 Ultimate Frisbee: Open-RecreationalJan. 21-March 6thMarch 13th – March 31stWednesdays 7:30-11pmWIT Tansey Gymnasium

Summer sports

Intramural SportRegistration PeriodSeasonGame TimesLocation
Slow-Pitch SoftballMay 8th – 28thJune 4th – July 17thTues + Wed 3pm-10pmWIT Sweeney Field
SpikeballMay 8th – 28thJune 4th – July 17thTues 4pm-10pmWIT Sweeney Field
CornholeMay 8th – 28thJune 5th – July 18thWed 4pm-10pmWIT Sweeney Field
Kickball July 3rd – July 20th July 25th – Aug 9thTues + Wed 4pm-10pmWIT Sweeney Field

Who Can Play?

All College of the Fenway students*, faculty and staff (alumni, spouses and volunteers are not eligible) can play in COF’s Intramural Sports league. Participants can register as an individual (i.e. free agent) or as a team. 

*NCAA student-athletes may not participate in “like” sports (e.g. soccer athletes may not play intramural soccer, but may play intramural basketball). 

Find more information on participation here.


Registration for COF Intramurals is online through IMLeagues. Create an IMLeagues account with your COF affiliated email (ex:,,,, Sign up to receive the latest updates and announcements!