This 30-minute virtual training is available to all COF students, staff, and faculty. If you have any questions, please reach out to your institution’s public safety office.
- Please see the online COF Emergency Response Guide on our website:
- If you would like to be registered for additional COF campus RAVE Alerts or do not have your institutions credentials, please visit the COF website for instructions on how to join:
- If you would like more information on Stop the Bleed or Psychological First Aid, there are several resources available:
- Stop the Bleed Interactive Online Course, 25 minutes,
- American Red Cross Training Service, First Aid for Severe Bleeding Online, $30.00,
- Psychological First Said (PFA) Manual, US Department of Veterans Affairs,
- American Red Cross, Psychological First Aid: Supporting Yourself and Others During Covid-19, $20.00,
- If you would like to learn more about Violence Prevention on Campus, please visit the COF website and participate in Flash Point on Campus training (Password: COF-Flash13) or in the menu to the left.
- For an additional run/hide/fight style training video, please watch the Boston Consortiums video of higher education: