In November, the COF Cross-Registration process went online! Students were able to apply to cross-register for a course through the new online system. On the first day online cross-registration launched, over 100 applications were submitted. To date, 330 students have submitted a total of 493 applications for the Spring 2020 semester. The online process was developed after receiving student feedback and was the result of the work of the Cross-Registration Automation Task Force and Implementation Team. A big thank you to all members of the team:
Emmanuel College:
Kim Camasso
Haley Russo
Brian Hayes
Jonathan Rand
Larry LeWinter
Lana Ludanova
Patrick O’Connor
MCPHS University:
Stacey Taylor
Greg Tilton
Kevin McGovern
Simmons University:
Shirley Alexander-Hunt
John Campoli
Wentworth Institute of Technology:
Nadira Dookharan
Ben Assa
Colleges of the Fenway:
Tasha Baclawski
Debbie Pepper
Allison O’Connor