Campus Movie Fest Helps COF Students Make a Movie in a Week Virtually!

ATLANTA (Sep. 1, 2020) – Campus Movie Fest (CMF) is coming back to Colleges of the Fenway virtually! The 2020-2021 CMF tour is headed to over 100 colleges and universities around the U.S., giving students everywhere the equipment, training, and opportunity to share their stories on film. This opportunity is made possible by the COF Student Activities Committee.

The Challenge

Traditionally, Campus Movie Fest (CMF) is a traveling student film festival that provides students with everything they need to make a 5-minute movie in a week. The top films are then showcased during a red carpet premiere. 

Due to the restrictions of COVID-19 and the priority of safety, we are excited to announce that Campus Movie Fest has now gone virtual and is open to ALL students throughout the entire year!

CMF’s virtual program is an effort to boost campus morale and engage students during these unprecedented times. CMF’s belief system is that everyone has a story to tell and we want to hear yours. No matter the experience, all students have something to say and CMF provides the agency for that voice!

The Competition

Campus Movie Fest will be taking place throughout the year from October 2020-August 2021. There will be multiple filming weeks throughout the year to allow students to compete and make as many films as they like. Students must follow CDC and University guidelines while filming as there is a limit to the number of people that may be gathered in one place. 

At the end of the moviemaking week, judges will rate the submissions, and the top student films will screen during an online Premiere celebration at the end of that participating month. Friends, family, and fans are all invited to join the student filmmakers in celebrating a week of incredible accomplishments!

The screened films will win the coveted Jury Award and will move on to compete nationally in 2021 at CMF Terminus: Conference + Film Festival. In addition, to celebrate the achievements of [Insert School Abbreviation, for example, UCF, GSU] most outstanding filmmakers, Silver Tripod Awards will be presented in specific categories, including directing, editing, performance, and more!

Additional Opportunities

Not only will students be able to make a move in a week, but Campus Movie Fest will also be providing monthly workshops, CMF master classes, and the opportunity to go to the Cannes Film Festival!

To further expand their filmmaking experience, students will also have the opportunity to compete in special partner categories, including The Elfenworks Foundation’s Harmony in Hope Student Filmmaker Award and Ideas United’s Pitch This.

CMF Terminus: Conference + Film Festival

All Campus Movie Fest participants are invited to celebrate a year of incredible student films at CMF Terminus Conference + Film Festival in June 2021. They’ll participate in hands-on workshops, watch the best CMF films, and have opportunities to network with industry leaders and celebrities.

What’s the catch? There isn’t one! Thanks to CMF’s partners, participation is completely free for students. More than one million students have participated in CMF since it began in 2001.  Students can sign up for free at

About Campus Movie Fest

Campus Movie Fest, the world’s largest student film festival, is the premier platform for the next generation of filmmakers. Founded in 2001, CMF began when four students at Emory University decided to give their friends and classmates all the equipment they needed to make a short film in a week. Today, more than one million students at colleges and universities worldwide have received all the necessary technology and training to tell their stories for free, thanks to corporate partners and schools. Campus winners move on to compete at CMF Terminus, a four-day film conference and awards ceremony, earn professional and educational opportunities, see their work at the Cannes Film Festival, and much much more. Find out more at

Media Contact

Evan Padgett
President of Campus Movie Fest

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